Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Columbia University Libraries Symposium- Registration is now open!

Registration is now open for the 2012 Columbia Libraries Symposium which will be held in Uris Hall on March 16th.

The registration fee is $45 ($50 after March 12).
Registration and program details can be found on the Symposium website at:

The theme for this year's Sumposuim is:
?New Models of Academic Collaboration?

?New Models of Academic Collaboration? will focus on how research libraries are discovering the value of collaboration among and within institutions. As these collaborative models evolve, they foster new approaches to scholarship among faculty, students, library professionals, and institutions. The symposium will address questions such as: What are these new models and approaches? How are they being applied? How can they be replicated or adapted?

Registration link:

Program (tentative):

If you have any questions, please e-mail: