Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Role of Libraries in a Transliterate World: METRO Webinar, November 15, 2010

Join us for “The Role of Libraries in a Transliterate World”, a new METRO webinar, on Monday, November 15th.

Fostering information literacy is and has always been a valued library service, but new technologies have broadened the challenges involved in locating, using, and evaluating resources. In this one-hour online session, librarians Bobbi Newman and Brian Hulsey will discuss why libraries must focus on more than traditional literacy to be truly effective in an atmosphere of rapid technological development.

Registration fees: $20 members; $20 myMETRO; $40 non-members

To register or to learn more, please visit http://bit.ly/aN8Lkn.

This webinar will take place online.

Please contact Laura Forshay at lforshay@metro.org, 212.228.2320 x10 with any questions.