Please don’t forget to register. Remember, we cannot accept walk-in registrations on that day!
Innovation by Design: Revisioning the Library -- Friday, December 10, 2010
Design impacts everything we do. What does this mean for libraries? Design comes into play as we craft our collections, create instruction programs, construct user-centered websites, renovate buildings, and redesign our policies. It mediates our information-seeking behavior, connects us with both students and faculty, and influences our interactions with our physical environment. This year’s symposium looks at design in academic libraries from four very different perspectives. Come join the conversation.
***Please go to the symposium website (http://acrlnysymp2010.
Also, check out newly added material, such as speaker bios, presentation titles and descriptions.
Fees are as follows:
Non-members: Save $10 on Symposium registration by becoming a member of ACRL/NY for 2011.
Current members: Renew your membership for 2011 now.
Symposium registration fees:
$90: ACRL/NY current member
$100: non-member
$50: Poster session presenter
$50: Library school student or retiree
Membership fees:
Current member of ACRL national: $25
Non-member of ACRL national: $35
Library/information science student: $10
Retiree: $10
The William and Anita Newman Vertical Campus Conference Center
Baruch College
55 Lexington Avenue (at 24th Street) Room 14-220 (14th floor)
New York, NY
We hope to see you there.